Natalia Repina was born in 1967 in St. Petersburg, Russia, where she took her degree from the Academy of Fine Arts in 1991. Representational painter, expert in several pictorial and graphic techniques (oil, pastel, charcoal). She has been a member of the Union of Painters of Russia and of various art associations in Italy and the USA since 1998. The painter’s works appear at various public institutions, including: Museum of Scientific Research of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, Russia; F.M. Dostoevsky Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia; Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia; Lyle Finley Gallery, USA; Robert F. Garren Gallery in Tennessee, USA; and in many private collections in China, Denmark, Italy, India, Finland, France, Germany, Russia, Spain and the USA.
The artist has obtained awards and recognitions, and the most recent are:
Prize "Honorable Mention Award", Circle Foundation for the Arts,Lyon,France,2020 Prize ”Artista eccellente”, Maison d’Art Academic centre,Padua,Italy on 2018 Finalist - Fondazione Casa America 2015 Award,La mia America latina, Genoa, Italy, Finalist - Renzo Magnanini Award in 2011, Bologna, Italy, Honourable Mention in the portrait/figure category of Pastel Journal’s 12th Annual Pastel 100 Competition, USA, in 2010, Second place at the International Art Awards, in the “Toy” theme”, in 2009 in Zagarolo, Rome, Italy.
Since 1994 the painter’s works have participated in international art auctions such as Millon & Robert in Paris, Antiquitaten und Auktionshaus J.Weiner in Munich, Peter Karbstein Kunst-und Auktionshaus in Dusseldorf, Druout Richelie in Paris and others. The painter has exhibited with one-man shows in St. Petersburg, Paris and Bologna, and has taken part in many collective shows, including exhibitions with the works of Carlo Carrà, Ennio Calabria and Alberto Sughi.
“Rinascimento contemporaneo – Contemporary Renaissance”, room of museum Leonardo da Vinci, Palace of the Vatican chancellery,Rome,Italy,2019 Mini personale alla galleria’arte”Sant’Isaia”,Bologna,Italy,2019 Salon d’Automne 2017,Champs Elysées,Paris,France,2017 Exhibition ”Mother and Child”,La Pigna Gallery - Palace Maffei Marescotti,Rome,Italy,2017 Exhibition “In sacramenta manent”, Association Amici dell'Arte of Aligi Sassu,Villa Filippini di Besana in Brianza,Italy,2017 “Triennale di Arti Visive a Roma” exhibition,Rome, 2017, with the participation of the art critics Achille Bonito Oliva,Vittorio Sgarbi and Daniele Radini Tedeschi “Caput Mundi Arte”exhibition organised by Vittorio Sgarbi, Palazzo Ferrajoli, Rome,2016 3rd International Biennial of Pastel Painting in Spain, Exhibition City Hall “Trascorales” Oviedo, Asturias, Spain, 2016; Palio Artistico - Milan Expo 2015,Palazzo Società Belle Arti - Permanente in Milan, Italy, 2015; 5th Gemlucart Competition of Monte Carlo Exhibition, Auditorium Rainier III, Monaco, 2013; Abstractionism and Representational Art Triennial 2013, Accademia di Romania, Rome; “The Odyssey Within” International Exhibition, Agora Gallery, New York City, USA, 2010; “Painters of Saint Petersburg” Exhibition, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 1999; Exhibition of the works of Russian painters with the sponsorship of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia (Netherlands, Denmark), 1998; Exhibitions at the Robert Garren Gallery, Tennessee, USA,1993-1998; Exhibition of the works of Russian painters with the sponsorship of the Academy of Arts of Russia, China, 1996; Permanent exhibition at the F.M. Dostoevsky Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia in 1996; Exhibitions at Art Baron Gallery, Helsinki, Finland, 1992-1995; Constant participation in the exhibitions organised by the Union of Painters of St. Petersburg,1991-2000; Exhibition of student works in New York City and Glasgow, 1988-1989.
Catalogue Esposizione“Rinascimento contemporaneo – Contemporary Renaissance”,edition “Italia Arte”,2019 Book “L’evoluzione dell’Arte Moderna nel XXI secolo”,autor prof. Rosario Pinto,Napoli,Italy,2019 Book « Le Salon d’Automne de 1903 à nos jours »edizione Lelivredart,Paris,France,2019 Catalogue esposizione“In sacramenta manent”, Association Amici dell'Arte di Aligi Sassu,Italy,2017 Catalogue L’Elite 2017 Selezione Arte,edited by Philippe Daverio,Artitalia Edizioni,Varese,Italy,2016 Book ”Il realismo nell'arte. Da Courbet ai maestri contemporanei.”Swing Edizioni,Roma,Italy,2016 Exhibition catalogue “Caput Mundi Arte” edited by prof. Vittorio Sgarbi,Roma,Italy,2016 Catalogue 3rd International Biennial of Pastel Painting in Spain, ASPAS, Oviedo, Spain, 2016 Catalogue of Italian Modern Art no. 51, Cairo Edizioni, Milan, Italy, 2015 Catalogue Palio Artistico - Milano Expo 2015, Milan, Italy, 2015 Book “Analisi critica. Dalla tradizione classica al fascino dell’avanguardia”, “Il Quadrato” edition, Milan, Italy, 2013; Album "Pittura e disegno di Natalia Repina", Petropol edition, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2012; International Dictionary of Artists 2011, WWAB, Santa Barbara, CA, USA; Book “Tradition Rediscovered the Finly Collection of Russian Art”, USA,1998; Book “Educational Drawing”, China, 1997; Catalogues of international exhibitions since 1989; The artist has been reviewed by art critics such as: Anatoly Dmitrenko, Giorgio Falossi, Sabrina Falzone, Roberta Filippi, Guido Folco, Claudio Lepri, Rosario Pinto, etc. She has also been reviewed in newspapers, magazines and online publications such as: Art-Mine, New York Going, Il Corriere della Sera, la Repubblica, Agorà Magazine, etc. The painter’s works were also presented on Italian TV in the ARTETIVU LabOrler project from 2013 to 2014. A teacher of drawing and painting, she has taught Graphics at the University of Architecture and Buildings of St. Petersburg, Art Criticism at the International Reservations Office Ltd in St. Petersburg, Painting at the Primo Levi University of Bologna and at a private art school.